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The future of retail by Amazon

The Future of Cashierless Checkout Technology: A Shifting Landscape

Part 1: Leadership Changes within Amazon’s Just Walk Out Team

Amazon’s cashierless checkout technology, Just Walk Out, has been a game-changer in the retail sector. However, recent leadership changes have sent shockwaves throughout the industry, leaving professionals and analysts wondering what the implications will be for the future of cashierless checkout innovation. Continue reading The future of retail by Amazon

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How fungi can change the culinary landscape

Revolutionizing Food Waste: How Fungi Can Change the Culinary Landscape

In a groundbreaking turn of events, University of California, Berkeley’s Vayu Hill-Maini has been pushing the boundaries of culinary innovation by harnessing the power of fungi to transform food waste into edible and nutritious dishes. This revolutionary research has far-reaching implications for the food industry, from reducing environmental impact to creating new and exotic flavors. Continue reading How fungi can change the culinary landscape