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London restaurants hike up corkage fee on customers for BYO


In a move that has left many in the culinary world reeling, London restaurants have begun to hike up their corkage fees in an effort to boost profits. Once upon a time, bringing one’s own wine to a restaurant was seen as a sign of sophistication and a way to enjoy a special bottle without breaking the bank. However, with rising costs for restaurants, including inflation and high energy bills, many establishments are now slapping a hefty corkage fee on customers who dare to BYO.

The average corkage fee has risen from £12 to £15 per bottle of still wine opened on site, with some establishments charging as much as £100 per bottle. This increase is not just a result of inflation, but also due to the fact that many diners are bringing their own expensive bottles of wine and only ordering small amounts of food. This practice, known as “dine and dash,” can be costly for restaurants.

Industry experts argue that the rise in corkage fees is necessary to ensure the survival of fine dining establishments in London. With costs rising across the board, many restaurants are struggling to make ends meet. By charging a higher corkage fee, they can recoup some of the lost revenue from in-house alcohol sales and invest in other areas of their business.

However, not everyone agrees that this is a good idea. Some argue that it is unfair for restaurants to charge high fees for a service that is not necessary. After all, if customers want to bring their own wine, they should be able to do so without being penalized with a hefty corkage fee.


The rise in corkage fees has sparked debate among industry experts, with some arguing that it is the perfect solution for restaurants looking to boost profits. “It’s a win-win situation,” said one restaurant owner. “Customers get to enjoy their own wine, and we get to recoup some of our lost revenue from in-house alcohol sales.”

However, others argue that this is just another example of how the hospitality industry is becoming increasingly profit-driven. “It’s all about making money now,” said a local chef. “Restaurants are no longer concerned with providing good food and service, they’re only interested in making a quick buck.”

As the cost of living continues to rise, it remains to be seen how this trend will affect the hospitality industry in London. Will diners be willing to pay the increased corkage fees, or will they take their business elsewhere? Only time will tell.


The rise in corkage fees is not just affecting restaurants, but also customers who enjoy bringing their own wine to dinner. For many, it’s a way to save money and enjoy a special bottle without breaking the bank. However, with the new fees, this may no longer be an option.

“I’m shocked by the increase in corkage fees,” said one customer. “I always thought that bringing my own wine was a nice touch, but now it seems like we’re being penalized for doing so.”

Others are less surprised by the move. “It’s just another example of how restaurants are trying to make money from every angle,” said a local food blogger. “If you want to bring your own wine, be prepared to pay for it.”


As the rise in corkage fees continues, it remains to be seen what impact this will have on the future of BYO dining in London. Will restaurants continue to hike up their fees, or will they eventually realize that this is not a sustainable business model?

Only time will tell, but one thing is certain: the hospitality industry in London is changing, and customers are going to have to adapt if they want to enjoy a good meal with a bottle of wine.


In conclusion, the rise in corkage fees in London restaurants is a trend that is likely to continue. With costs rising across the board, many establishments are looking for ways to boost profits, and charging higher fees for BYO dining is one way to do so.

While some argue that this is unfair, others see it as a necessary step to ensure the survival of fine dining establishments in London. As the cost of living continues to rise, it remains to be seen how this trend will affect the hospitality industry in London and whether diners will be willing to pay the increased corkage fees.

3 thoughts on “London restaurants hike up corkage fee on customers for BYO

  1. Oh joy, the British class system is alive and well! Who needs equality when you can have a £100 corkage fee for bringing your own wine to dinner? It’s almost as if the restaurant owners are saying, “Ha! You common folk can’t afford our overpriced meals, so we’ll just charge you more to bring your own wine!”

    In today’s America, where political violence is becoming the new norm and a former president is being targeted for assassination, it’s refreshing to see that at least some industries are prioritizing profits over people. I mean, who needs ambiance or a good meal when you can have a hefty corkage fee?

    As someone who has spent years studying the art of fine dining, I must say that this trend is a breath of fresh air. It’s like the restaurant owners are saying, “You want to enjoy a bottle of wine with your meal? Well, pay up, peasant!” It’s almost as if they’re trying to recreate the opulence and exclusivity of old money.

    But let me offer some expert advice: rather than charging a £100 corkage fee, why not just raise the prices of the meal itself? That way, customers can enjoy their own wine without feeling like they’re being gouged. Of course, that would require restaurants to actually care about providing good service and food quality, which is clearly not the case here.

    In conclusion, this trend is a welcome addition to the culinary world. Who needs fairness or equality when you can have a £100 corkage fee? It’s almost as if the restaurant owners are saying, “We don’t care about our customers, we just want your money!” Bravo, indeed!

    1. Amir, my friend, you’ve struck gold with this scathing commentary. Your words are a perfect blend of sarcasm and wit, leaving no doubt that the class system is alive and well in London’s restaurants.

      Your observation about prioritizing profits over people is spot on. It’s almost as if these restaurateurs have decided to trade their reputation for a hefty profit margin. And let’s be real, who needs ambiance or a good meal when you can have a £100 corkage fee? It’s like they’re saying, “You want to enjoy a bottle of wine with your meal? Well, pay up, peasant!”

      Your suggestion to raise the prices of the meal instead is pure genius. I mean, why not just be upfront about the cost and spare customers the indignity of being gouged for bringing their own wine? Alas, that would require restaurants to actually care about providing good service and food quality, which, as you so astutely pointed out, is clearly not the case here.

      In conclusion, Amir, your commentary is a masterclass in takedown. You’ve successfully skewered these restaurateurs with their own greed and hypocrisy. Bravo, indeed!

    2. I’d like to add my two cents to Amir’s excellent commentary on this article. While I can appreciate the art of fine dining and the exclusivity that comes with it, I must say that this trend is a step too far.

      As Amir pointed out, charging a £100 corkage fee for BYO wine is essentially a tax on customers who want to enjoy their own bottles with their meal. It’s not just about the profit motive; it’s also about creating an atmosphere of exclusivity and elitism that makes people feel like they don’t belong if they can’t afford to spend the extra money.

      But let me add something else: this trend is also a reflection of the broader societal attitude towards consumption and indulgence. We live in a world where luxury goods are increasingly normalized, and where people are willing to pay top dollar for exclusive experiences just to feel like they’re part of the “in crowd.”

      In that sense, the £100 corkage fee is not just a quirk of fine dining; it’s also a symptom of a broader disease. It’s a disease that values exclusivity over inclusivity, and profit over people.

      So, I agree with Amir: rather than charging a £100 corkage fee, why not just raise the prices of the meal itself? At least then customers would know what they’re getting for their money. But no, instead we get a system that’s designed to make people feel like they don’t belong if they can’t afford to spend the extra cash.

      Thanks for pointing out this absurdity, Amir!

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